Train pushers (oshiya)
This profession can only be found in Japan. The primary responsibility of train pushers is to help passengers board overcrowded trains or subway cars during rush hours while ensuring order and safety. The job is well-paid, with salaries ranging from $3,000 to $4,000 per month, depending on the company and region. Thousands of people are employed in this field across Japan, as these employees are essential for maintaining the efficiency of public transport in the country’s metropolises.

Cheese listener (cheese sommelier)
Originating in Europe, this profession is most common in countries with a strong cheese-making tradition, such as France, Italy, and Switzerland. Cheese listeners specialize in determining the quality and aroma of cheese using sound. For instance, certain cheeses, like Brie or Camembert, produce characteristic sounds during maturation, helping experts assess their properties. Today, cheese sommeliers are highly sought after, with annual salaries ranging from €40,000 to €60,000.

Duck shepherd
This profession emerged and gained popularity in the wine-producing regions of South Africa, where ducks are used to control pests. The duck shepherd’s job is to guide the birds through vineyards, where they eat snails, insects, and other pests, helping farmers reduce the need for pesticides. These professionals earn between 20,000 and 30,000 South African rand per month, equivalent to $1,100–$1,500.

Ear сleaner
This profession exists in several Asian countries but is particularly common in Japan and China. Ear cleaners are responsible for cleaning the ear canal using traditional methods and specialized tools. The job requires precision and expertise, as improper procedures can cause injuries. Ear cleaners are in demand in beauty salons and specialized clinics. In Japan, for example, a session can cost between $20 and $50.

Golf ball diver
This profession is popular in countries with a strong golfing culture, such as the US and Japan. Golf ball divers retrieve balls that have landed in ponds or water hazards on or near golf courses. The job demands good physical fitness, as it involves working in water, often under cold conditions. Golf ball divers earn an average of $15 to $25 per hour.

Panda caretaker
These rare professionals work in zoos and nature reserves, particularly in China, where panda breeding programs are prominent. Panda caretakers care for baby pandas, help them adapt to zoo environments, and monitor their diets. This job requires specialized knowledge of panda behavior and specific skills. It can be well-paid, especially in large zoos, with annual incomes ranging from $30,000 to $50,000.